When you need your next DIFFERENCE MAKER
Stephens Little Superior, Professional Job Search ConsultantsA Recruiting Firm specializing in Accounting Recruiting, Finance Recruiting, Tax Recruiting, Audit Staff Recruiting, & Human Resource Recruiting.

What We Do
Our job search consultants source candidates primarily with referrals (passive candidates) from successful placements we have performed in the past. We look for candidates that are not active on job boards, but rather have their heads down, bringing value to their current employer, but for various reasons may feel like they are under-utilized or blocked in their career path and are not able to advance.
Our Process
Our Process starts with a telephone call to a “passive candidate”, I know how old school we can be, but our recruiters need to determine up front if a candidate is satisfied and challenged at their current employment or do they have valid reasons for their desire to be interested in new opportunities. If they would like to move forward with an advocate for their career growth, we invite them to come into our office for a full relaxed get to know each other conversation/interview with one or more of our recruiters. Our goal is to learn about their current work duties and responsibilities and how they spend 100% of their time.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build long-term relationships with our clients as well as candidates, by delivering a unique consultative experience to our clients together with providing a career development approach for job seekers.
Make Sound Decisions that Move your Company Forward
What Stephens Little Superior can do for your organization:
Let us match you with talented professionals by using our extensive candidate database Stephens Little Superior Search Consultants have assembled in their 25+ years of industry experience. At Stephens Little Superior we make it our priority to understand your company dynamics before the search process begins.
When you hire Stephens Little Superior we offer an easy solution to the candidate search process. Our experienced Search Consultants start with qualification requirements, culture needs and hiring strategies. We use our decades of experience combined with our proprietary search methodology with a Talented Industry Professional waiting to Exceed your Expectations.